
I am a linguist, teacher and translator, speaking German, French and Spanish. My mother tongue is English and I and love reading in English, but also in the languages I speak. I enjoy reading books in the original, but also in translation, and enjoy the challenge of  literary translation myself.  I read with others in book groups, including a German book group, but also books which I come across myself, through reviews or browsing in charity shops, and which somehow pique my interest. In this blog I write about books which I’ve enjoyed- some contemporary and some older which I’ve picked up again for all the reasons we go back to things.

I live in the Peak District and  love walking.

2 Responses to About

  1. Richard says:

    I came upon your blog when looking to find a translation of the Ursula Krechel novels, which were recently recommended to me.

    I was disappointed to find that there are no translations, as they would take me too long to read in German. Do you, by any chance, have any plans to translate any of them ?

    • mandywight says:

      Hi Richard, I have only translated the excerpts from the novels which appear with the blog posts. I understand that at present the rights have not been bought by an English or American publisher, sadly as both novels I have read are superb and should be accessible to an English speaking readership. Still, this may change, as more translated fiction is being published these days, so keep an eye out. Best wishes.

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